90 Annual Fire Research Project

Project Name:
Fire Prevention Strategy Planning of metropolitan areas after the earthquake
September 21, 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake of 7.3 on the Richter scale shook the island of Taiwan, causing more than 10,000 buildings completely destroyed or partially collapsed, 2,300 people lost their lives. As to within 24 hours after the earthquake as the statistical base, the 921 earthquake within 24 hours after the earthquake, there were 66 fire, gas leak hundreds of pieces; and in 1022 earthquake Chiayi Chiayi county jurisdiction, in within 24 hours after the earthquake, there were eight fires and 52 gas leakage accident.
From the above data shows that while the incidence of multiple fires caused by the very high after the earthquake, with more than gas leakage accident, if there was any contact with fire, will fire or even an explosion caused heavy casualties and expand the spread, then it into the hazards will become more increased. Metropolitan area because of fires caused by fire after the earthquake, will result in serious casualties and property losses, such as occurred in 1994 Southern California earthquake and the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan, after the earthquake have shown destructive fire. Southern California Earthquake and the Great Hanshin Earthquake There are many similarities, such as seismic intensity, the number of victims, season, time, and other factors. However, due to the loss of the Los Angeles area after the earthquake a fire caused by a relatively small, while Hanshin area has caused more than 7,000 family houses burned.
Many factors affect the post-earthquake fire damage caused by the Los Angeles area and Kobe after the earthquake area due to fire damage of varying factors include: water supply, transportation, building density and structure. To alleviate the problem of post-earthquake fire damage is very complex, there is no relevant domestic-depth study, to reduce possible future earthquake damage caused by fire, in the case of this study, Cheng delay. This research project intends to analyze the needs of the requester and of the background information for the foregoing, the contents of this except for Basic Research Project of the documents and of information relating to the post-earthquake fire, its contents will particularly focus on:
1. Experience in collecting foreign factors of urban neighborhoods of fire earthquake fire may lead to the integration of domestic and related research findings and relevant regulations, and with the mechanisms of urban disaster prevention system planning measures.
2. consolidate the results of the aforementioned literature review and revision of the existing domestic legislation standards.
3. On the domestic Taipei and Kaohsiung metropolitan area cities of highly intensive development of seismic fire Strategies and Planning.
Fire Prevention Strategy Planning of metropolitan areas after the earthquake
September 21, 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake of 7.3 on the Richter scale shook the island of Taiwan, causing more than 10,000 buildings completely destroyed or partially collapsed, 2,300 people lost their lives. As to within 24 hours after the earthquake as the statistical base, the 921 earthquake within 24 hours after the earthquake, there were 66 fire, gas leak hundreds of pieces; and in 1022 earthquake Chiayi Chiayi county jurisdiction, in within 24 hours after the earthquake, there were eight fires and 52 gas leakage accident.
From the above data shows that while the incidence of multiple fires caused by the very high after the earthquake, with more than gas leakage accident, if there was any contact with fire, will fire or even an explosion caused heavy casualties and expand the spread, then it into the hazards will become more increased. Metropolitan area because of fires caused by fire after the earthquake, will result in serious casualties and property losses, such as occurred in 1994 Southern California earthquake and the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan, after the earthquake have shown destructive fire. Southern California Earthquake and the Great Hanshin Earthquake There are many similarities, such as seismic intensity, the number of victims, season, time, and other factors. However, due to the loss of the Los Angeles area after the earthquake a fire caused by a relatively small, while Hanshin area has caused more than 7,000 family houses burned.
Many factors affect the post-earthquake fire damage caused by the Los Angeles area and Kobe after the earthquake area due to fire damage of varying factors include: water supply, transportation, building density and structure. To alleviate the problem of post-earthquake fire damage is very complex, there is no relevant domestic-depth study, to reduce possible future earthquake damage caused by fire, in the case of this study, Cheng delay. This research project intends to analyze the needs of the requester and of the background information for the foregoing, the contents of this except for Basic Research Project of the documents and of information relating to the post-earthquake fire, its contents will particularly focus on:
1. Experience in collecting foreign factors of urban neighborhoods of fire earthquake fire may lead to the integration of domestic and related research findings and relevant regulations, and with the mechanisms of urban disaster prevention system planning measures.
2. consolidate the results of the aforementioned literature review and revision of the existing domestic legislation standards.
3. On the domestic Taipei and Kaohsiung metropolitan area cities of highly intensive development of seismic fire Strategies and Planning.